The 10 tasks of your financial advisor. #3: building your investor profile
This blog is the third in a series that Archer Wealth Management will be publishing during the fall of 2017 with the goal of helping you understand how your financial advisor works with you throughout your life to achieve your personal and financial goals. In this third issue we discuss:
Your attitude towards risk and your ability to absorb market fluctuations without compromising your financial objectives is the basis for managing your portfolio. The investor profile will serve as a guide and structure for establishing your investment policy.
The advisor is responsible for asking a series of questions in order to establish your investor profile and to meet the "know your client" requirement. The questionnaire used by your advisor to establish the investor profile will include questions from different angles on the following topics
In addition to facilitating the establishment of an investor profile, the questionnaire allows the advisor to learn a little more about his/her client and his/her objectives. This is important because in financial planning and portfolio management we must respect the obligation to "know your client well". This means that there is a minimum amount of information that an advisor must gather before making the first recommendation. Part of this information is found in the answers to the investor profile questionnaire. The better we know the client, the better the recommendations!
Having established your personal situation, taken stock of your situation, determined your financial objectives and made your investor profile, the next step is to develop your investment policy. This is the subject of our next blog.
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